  author = "Bailes, Matthew  and  Barr, Ewan  and  Bhat, N. D. Ramesh  and  Brink, Jeanandrew  and  Buchner, Sarah  and  Burgay, Marta  and  Camilo, Fernando  and  Champion, David  and  Hessels, Jason  and  Jameson, Andrew  and  Johnston, Simon  and  Karastergiou, Aris  and  Karuppusamy, Ramesh  and  Kaspi, Vicky  and  Keith, Michael  and  Kramer, Michael  and  McLaughlin, Maura  and  Moodley, Kavilan  and  Oslowski, Stefan  and  Possenti, Andrea  and  Ransom, Scott  and  Rasio, Fred  and  Sievers, Jonathon  and  Serylak, Marcin  and  Stappers, Benjamin  and  Stairs, Ingrid  and  Theureau, Gilles  and  van Leeuwen, Joeri  and  Weltevrede, Patrick  and  Wex, Norbert",
  title = "{MeerTime - the MeerKAT Key Science Program on Pulsar Timing}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.277.0011",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA {\textemdash} PoS(MeerKAT2016)",
  year = 2018,
  volume = "277",
  pages = "011"