MeerGAL: the MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey
M. Thompson*, S. Goedhart, S. Goedhart, P. Benaglia, H. Beuther, R. Blomme, A.C. Chrysostomou, J.S. Clark, C. Dickinson, S. Ellingsen, D. Fenech, L. Hindson, S.N. Longmore, H.J. van Langevelde, G. MacLeod, S. Molinari, R. Prinja, C.R. Purcell, I. Stevens, G. Umana, J.S. Urquhart, W. Vlemmings, A.J. Walsh, A.Y. Yang and A. Zijlstra
Published on:
February 01, 2018
Radio surveys of the Milky Way galaxy have transformed our understanding of star formation and stellar evolution. However, due to strong dependence of ``survey cost'' on frequency most large area surveys have so far been carried out at low frequencies ($\sim$ a few GHz). Unfortunately these surveys select against dense plasma as the free-free turnover frequency scales directly with electron density which means that there are significant biases against the detection of the youngest and densest HII regions, Young Stellar Objects, jets, winds and Planetary Nebulae. Here we describe the MeerKAT Large Project MeerGAL, which aims to address this issue by making the first sensitive high frequency, high resolution multi-epoch survey of the Galactic Plane. Together with its Northern Hemisphere sister project KuGARS (the Ku-band Galactic Reconnaissance Survey), MeerGAL will revolutionise the study of massive star formation and stellar evolution, Galactic structure, and variability.
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