@article{Garrett:2017uH, author = "Garrett, Paul and Burbadge, C. and Kisliuk, D. and Ball, G.C. and Bildstein, V. and Diaz Varela, A. and Dunlop, M.R. and Dunlop, R. and Faestermann, T. and Hertenberger, R. and Jamieson, D.S. and Leach, K.G. and Loranger, J. and MacLean, A.D. and Radich, A.J. and Rand, E.T. and Rebeiro, B. and Svensson, C.E. and Triambak, S. and Wirth, H.-F.", title = "{Investigating the nature of the Er isotopes with ( p , t ) reactions}", doi = "10.22323/1.281.0019", journal = "PoS", year = 2017, volume = "INPC2016", pages = "019" }