We studied the competition between fusion and
quasifission by populating the compound nucleus (CN) $^{210}$Rn through different entrance channels - $^{16}$O+$^{194}$Pt and $^{30}$Si+$^{180}$Hf, at energies
around the Coulomb barrier. The larger widths of the fission fragment mass distribution in the $^{30}$Si+$^{180}$Hf reaction
which could not be explained by using transition state models, indicated the onset of quasifission in this reaction.
Further, the evaporation residues (ERs) produced in these reactions were measured using the gas-filled recoil mass
separator HYRA at IUAC. The measurements showed reduced ER cross sections for the $^{30}$Si+$^{180}$Hf reaction when compared with
that of $^{16}$O+$^{194}$Pt at similar excitation energies, confirming the presence of quasifission in the $^{30}$Si+$^{180}$Hf reaction.
The experimental results are analysed using the dinuclear system (DNS) and statistical models to understand the possible influence of
potential energy surfaces (PES) and different entrance channel conditions in heavy ion fusion reactions.