Electromagnetic Form Factors Of Nucleon Eexcitations from Lattice QCD
F. Stokes*, W. Kamleh, D. Leinweber and B. Owen
Pre-published on:
May 04, 2017
Published on:
May 09, 2017
Variational analysis techniques in lattice QCD are powerful tools that give access to the full spectrum of QCD. At zero momentum, these techniques are well established and can cleanly isolate energy eigenstates of either positive or negative parity. In order to compute the form factors of a single energy eigenstate, we must perform a variational analysis at non-zero momentum. When we do this with baryons, we run into issues with parity mixing in the Dirac spinors, as boosted baryons are not eigenstates of parity. Due to this parity mixing, care must be taken to ensure that the projected correlation functions provided by the variational analysis correspond to the same states at zero momentum. This can be achieved through the parity-expanded variational analysis (PEVA) technique, a novel method developed at the University of Adelaide for ensuring the successful and consistent isolation of boosted baryons. Utilising this technique, we are able to compute the form factors of baryon excitations without contamination from other states. We present world-first calculations of excited state nucleon form factors using this new technique.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.281.0263
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