  author = "Rabady, Dinyar  and  Battilana, Carlo  and  Carlin, Roberto  and  Codispoti, Giuseppe  and  Dallavalle, Marco  and  Erö, Janos  and  Flouris, Giannis  and  Foudas, Costas  and  Fulcher, Jonathan  and  Guiducci, Luigi  and  Loukas, Nikitas  and  Mallios, Stavros  and  Manthos, Nikos  and  Papadopoulos, Ioannis  and  Paradas, Evangelos  and  Reis, Thomas  and  Sakulin, Hannes  and  Sphicas, Paris  and  Triossi, Andrea  and  Venturi, Andrea  and  Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth",
  title = "{Upgrade of the CMS muon trigger system in the barrel region}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.282.1080",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2017,
  volume = "ICHEP2016",
  pages = "1080"