  author = "Herner, Kenneth Richard  and  Box, Dennis  and  Boyd, Joe  and  DiBenedetto, Vito  and  Ding, Pengfei  and  Dykstra, Dave  and  Fattoruso, Michele  and  Garzoglio, Gabriele  and  Levshina, Tanya  and  Kirby, Mike  and  Kreymer, Arthur  and  Mazzacane, Anna  and  Mengel, Marc  and  Mhashilkar, Parag  and  Podstavkov, Vladimir  and  Retzke, Kevin  and  Sharma, Neha",
  title = "{The FIFE Project at Fermilab: Computing for Experiments}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.282.0176",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics {\textemdash} PoS(ICHEP2016)",
  year = 2017,
  volume = "282",
  pages = "176"