Benefits of diverse and interdisciplinary co-creation for HEP - a showcase
D. Dobos*, K. Dette, J. Dopke, M.A. Kagan, S. Kaufmann, I. Knapper, J. Kurikka, L. Milano, T. Muranaka, I. Pascu, K.J. Potamianos, H. Schweiger, T. Utriainen, C. Bahamonde Castro and E. Perez Codina
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2017
Published on:
April 19, 2017
THE Port association organises interdisciplinary co-creational humanitarian hackathons at CERN. Combining physicists and engineers working on HEP related topics in their day job with entrepreneurs, artists, researchers, designers, humanitarian workers and other creative minds helps identifying similar material and engineering solutions for humanitarian challenges. It allow cross collaboration between many different disciplines. Concentrating on humanitarian and social benefitting topics the technology opportunities identify new methods, materials and processes, that can be feed back into HEP. The methodology of humanitarian hackathons is described and some examples of challenge outcomes are showcased.
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