SOFA : a new approach for Quality Assurance in GEM FOIL
C.A. Rodriguez*, R.M. Gutierrez and A.E. Jaramillo
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2017
Published on:
April 19, 2017
This work presents the development of Software (SOFA hereafter) for morphological quality assurance in GEM-foils (electrodes of a GEM-like detector) through the analysis of high resolution images. SOFA Software for Foils Analysis) performs an automated measurement of the holes geometry presented in the GEM-foils, in order to detect and quantify different defects far from their ideal geometric characteristics. This work underlines the speed, automation and precision of SOFA regarding quality visual inspection used in manufacturing process of GEM-foils. SOFA is a R\&D tool, because its measurements allow establishing relation between GEM-foils defects and GEM-like detector performance.
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