Charged Higgs Boson Searches at the LHC via Multiple $b\bar b W^\pm$ Final States
P. Sharma*, R. Santos and S. Moretti
Pre-published on:
February 10, 2017
Published on:
August 08, 2017
We review the prospects of the Large Hadron Collider in accessing heavy charged Higgs boson signals in $b\bar b W^\pm$ final states, wherein the contributing channels can be $H^+\to t\bar b$, $hW^\pm$, $HW^\pm$ and $AW^\pm$. In particular, we devise a selection strategy which optimizes their global yield. We consider a 2-Higgs Doublet Model Type-II and we assume as production mode $bg\to tH^-$ + c.c., the dominant one over the range $M_{H^\pm}\ge 480$ GeV, as dictated by $b\to s\gamma$ constraints. Possibilities of detection are found to be significant for various Run 2 energies and luminosities.
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