PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 287 - The 25th International workshop on vertex detectors (Vertex 2016) - Session: Poster
Characterization of HV-CMOS detectors in BCD8 technology and of a controlled hybridization technique
E. Zaffaroni*, A. Andreazza, A. Castoldi, V. Ceriale, G. Chiodini, M. Citterio, M. Dalla, G. Darbo, G. Gariano, A. Gaudiello, C. Guazzoni, V. Liberali, S. Passadore, F. Ragusa, A. Rovani, E. Ruscino, C. Sbarra, H. Shrimali, A. Sidoti and A. Stabile
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Pre-published on: February 28, 2017
Published on: August 03, 2017
Radiation detectors built in high-voltage and high-resistivity CMOS technology are an interesting option for the large area pixel-trackers sought for the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider experiments.

A characterisation of the BCD8 technology by STMicroelectronics process has been performed to evaluate its suitability for the realisation of CMOS sensors with a depleted region of several tens of micrometer. Sensors featuring $50\times250$ $\mu \text{m}^2$ pixels on a 125 $\Omega$cm resistivity substrate have been characterized.

The response to ionizing radiation is tested using radioactive sources and an X-ray tune, reading out the detector with an external spectroscopy chain. Irradiation tests were performed up to proton fluences exceeding $5\cdot10^{15}$ $p/\text{cm}^2$ and they show the depletion and breakdown voltages increases with irradiation.

A hybridization process for capacitive coupling has been developed. Assemblies have been performed using the ATLAS FE-I4 readout ASIC and prototype CMOS sensors. Measurements show a planarity better than 1.5 $\mu$m peak-to-peak on the 5 mm length of the HV-CMOS chip. To evaluate more precisely the achievable uniformity dummy chips of FE-I4 sizes have been made on 6-inch wafers. The measurement of the 24 capacitors on each chip is expected to achieve a precise estimation of the real thickness uniformity. The goal is to achieve less then 10% variation on the glue thickness ($\sim 0.5$ $\mu$m).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.287.0063
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