We propose an innovative detector capable of performing high resolution tracking with ultra-precise time tagging to allow the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) experiments to fully profit from the luminosity upgrade of the accelerator. The increase in the number of visible interactions per bunch crossing will lead to a much larger number of primary vertices and tracks compared to the current LHC conditions, and will inevitably increase tracking inefficiency and ghost track rate.
We aim to develop a detector capable of providing 4-dimensional (4D) information, with time resolution in the order of 10~ps and position resolution of about 10~$\mu$m, able to operate in a harsh radiation environment exceeding $10^{16}$ 1-MeV neutrons equivalent per cm$^2$ and with fast online track triggering capabilities.
The precise measurement of the hits time is the key feature to operate an effective pattern recognition that guarantees a high tracking efficiency while enhancing ghost track rejection, and to perform selective track triggering.
This detector system will allow to perform precision physics measurements at the HL-LHC operating at instantaneous luminosities almost one order of magnitude larger than the current ones, making efficient use of the whole delivered luminosity.