PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 288 - Accretion Processes in Cosmic Sources (APCS2016) - Ongoing Experiments
Geographical Delocalization of FITS Data in MongoDB Environment
B.L. Martino*, F. Guglietta, F. Reale and G. Patria
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Pre-published on: March 11, 2018
Published on: May 16, 2018
The astrophysics community prefers to use the FITS format for storage of data of interest.
This article compares this classic approach and one related to the use of non-relational databases high- lighting their many similarities.
Among the main advantages of using non-relational database stands out the possibility of moving and replicate automatically your data minimizing the risks related to their loss or corruption.
Once you realize that a header FITS is nothing more than a sequence of key-value pairs, the jump to the NoSQL world becomes almost natural.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.288.0059
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