PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 290 - 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology) (RADCOR2017) - Top / Higgs
Monte Carlo Top Quark Mass Calibration
B. Dehnadi, A. Hoang, V. Mateu, M. Preisser* and I.W. Stewart
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Pre-published on: March 08, 2018
Published on: July 02, 2018
The most precise top quark mass measurements use kinematic reconstruction methods, determining the top mass parameter of a Monte Carlo event generator, $m_t^{\rm MC}$. Due to the complicated interplay of hadronization and parton shower dynamics in Monte Carlo event generators relevant for kinematic reconstruction, relating $m_t^{\rm MC}$ to field theory masses is a non-trivial task. In this talk we report on a calibration procedure to determine this relation using hadron level QCD predictions for 2-Jettiness in $e^+e^-$ annihilation, an observable which has kinematic top mass sensitivity and a close relation to the invariant mass of the particles coming from the top decay. The theoretical ingredients of the QCD prediction are reviewed. Fitting $e^+e^-$ 2-Jettiness calculations at NLL/NNLL order to \Pythia~8.205, we find that $m_t^{\rm MC}$ agrees with the MSR mass $m_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR}$ within uncertainties. At NNLL we find $m_t^{\rm MC} = m_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR} + (0.18 \pm 0.22)\,{\rm GeV}$. $m_t^{\rm MC}$ can differ from the pole mass $m_t^{\rm pole}$ by up to $600\,{\rm MeV}$, and using the pole mass generally leads to larger uncertainties. At NNLL we find $m_t^{\rm MC} = m_t^{\rm pole} + (0.57 \pm 0.28)\,{\rm GeV}$ as the fit result. In contrast, converting $m_{t,1\,{\rm GeV}}^{\rm MSR}$ obtained at NNLL to the pole mass gives a result for $m_t^{\rm pole}$ that is substantially larger and incompatible with the fit result. We also explain some theoretical aspects relevant for employing the C-parameter as an alternative calibration observable.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.290.0062
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