We report on a calculation of the QCD NLO correction to the process $\mathrm{p} \mathrm{p} \to \mathrm{e}^+ \nu_\mathrm{e} \, \mu^+ \nu_\mathrm{\mu} \, \mathrm{j} \mathrm{j} + \mathrm{X}$, which contains the like-sign $\mathrm{W}^+$-scattering process $\mathrm{W}^+ \mathrm{W}^+ \to \mathrm{W}^+ \mathrm{W}^+$. We discuss the validity of the double-pole approximation in the context of this process and the $M_\mathrm{H} \to \infty$ limit, which allows one to study the unitarization effect of the standard model Higgs for different observables.
Finally, we present a first calculation of the PDF uncertainties for this process.