PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 294 - The 3rd International Symposium on “Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe" (KMI2017) - Talk Presentations
The OPERA experiment and its contribution to neutrino physics
G. De Lellis*  on behalf of the OPERA Collaboration
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Pre-published on: November 22, 2017
Published on: November 24, 2017
The OPERA experiment has been running with the CNGS neutrino beam from 2008 to 2012 and collected $1.8 \times 10^{20}$ protons on target. Five tau neutrino candidates were observed, with a background of $0.25$ events, leading to the discovery of tau neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam, reported in 2015. The analysis of the emulsion films is now completed. We report preliminary results obtained with the analysis of the final sample. We also report a study on cosmic-ray annual modulation. We then give some final remarks including the near future plans of the Collaboration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.294.0010
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