@article{Hagiwara:2017t9, author = "Hagiwara, Kaito and Tanaka, T. and K. Das, P and Yano, Takatomi and Yamada, Y. and Ou, I. and Mori, T. and Kayano, T. and S. Reen, M and Dhir, R. and Koshio, Yusuke and Sakuda, M. and Kimura, Atsushi and Nakamura, S. and Iwamoto, N. and Harada, H.", title = "{Comparison of $\gamma$ production from thermal neutron capture of gadolinium with the MonteCarlo simulation}", doi = "10.22323/1.294.0035", journal = "PoS", year = 2017, volume = "KMI2017", pages = "035" }