Higgs Boson Measurements and Extended Scalar Sector Searches in Bosonic Final States
S. Zenz* on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
December 31, 2017
Published on:
January 16, 2018
Searches for additional Higgs-like bosons in the H to WW and H to ZZ decay channels are reported, for boson masses in the range 145 $< m_H <$ 1000 GeV. The results are based upon proton-proton collision data samples at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 and 13 TeV, recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Several final states of the WW and ZZ decays are analyzed. Upper limits for the search for a heavy BSM resonance and the combined upper limits at 95$\%$ confidence level on the products of the cross section and branching fraction. These data are also used to constrain the SM Higgs boson total decay width, finding observed and expected limits at the 95$\%$ confidence level (CL).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.297.0276
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