The diurnal variation of galactic cosmic ray flux measured by ground base neutron monitor stations. The local time of maximum intensity tends to depending on latitudinal location. Depending on solar activity, drift effect and diffusion effect controls the local time of maximum intensity for cosmic ray flux. The drift effect occurs due to solar magnetic reversal and the diffusion effect occur due to change in the interplanetary magnetic field scales related to the sunspot cycle. Recently, we installed cosmic ray neutron monitor at Daejeon in south Korea (October 2011) and at Jang Bogo station in Antarctica (December 2015). We want to know the characteristics of two neutron monitors data and adequacy of the data using the local time diurnal variation of cosmic ray flux at two locations and previous studies. We used the plie-up method to analyze diurnal variation for these two stations and used the data from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. In this report, we will present results about diurnal variation of cosmic ray flux at Daejeon neutron monitor and Jang Bogo neutron monitor. This results will tell us if there are good values for the neutron monitor stations.