Mini-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory) is a space mission developed by the
JEM-EUSO International Collaboration, selected and approved by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and, under the name "UV atmosphere", by the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos, to be carried to the International Space Station (ISS) in one of the next planned launches. The Mini-EUSO instrument is a small, compact telescope to be placed at the UV-transparent, nadir looking window of the Russian module of the ISS. It will perform studies of atmospheric phenomena, observation of meteors, search for strange quark matter and space debris tracking. Key measurements of the UV emissions produced in the Earths atmosphere will be carried out as well. It will also enhance the technological readiness level of the system instrumentation in view of the planned KLYPVE-EUSO mission to ISS (and future missions under study), relying upon the same concept and detection techniques. Scientific, technical and programmatic aspects of this project are discussed.