Search for a correlation between ANTARES high-energy neutrinos and ultra high-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array
I. Di Palma*, J. Aublin, A. Capone on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
A search for angular correlations between high-energy neutrinos detected by ANTARES and the cosmic rays events measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array experiments is presented. An unbinned likelihood-ratio method is used, using both the angular information an energy estimation of the reconstructed neutrinos. The search has been applied to the nine-years ANTARES all-flavour point-source sample, leading to a non significant correlation. A $90\%$ upper limit on the flux emitted by the candidate neutrino sources associated to the cosmic ray population is reported: $\Phi^\mathrm{UL}_\mathrm{tot}=1.5 \, 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-1}$cm$^{-2{}}$s$^{-1}$.
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