Cosmology and Neutrino Physics
Pre-published on:
March 28, 2018
Published on:
April 05, 2018
I review the current status of the cosmological standard model (LCDM) with a special focus on neutrino cosmology. In particular, I describe how the standard model of cosmology has, so far, passed all tests and thus is able to explain all current observations of the sky. Within this model, it is possible to infer properties of neutrinos. In particular, I show how current cosmological surveys constraint, robustly, the sum of neutrino masses $< 0.13 eV$ and that current cosmological data already favour strongly, in a Bayesian sense, the normal ordering of the neutrino masses. In the next five years, future cosmological surveys should be able to measure robustly the sum of neutrino masses and, further in the future, the individual masses of neutrinos.
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