The impressive progress in neutrino physics has opened a new field of neutrino science such as neutrino astronomy or neutrino geoscience. The measurement of all three neutrino mixing angles has established
a comprehensive picture of neutrino transformation and needs extremely accurate measurements of
the mixing angles for a unitarity test. A rather large value of the smallest mixing angle $\theta_{13}$
makes it possible to determine the CP violating phase and the neutrino mass ordering
without a neutrino factory.
A next round of neutrino experiments are under consideration or preparation to make a future neutrino
science. The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment belongs to one of those efforts and will use a 250 kton
water Cherenkov detector together with a neutrino beam produced by the J-PARC.
A second Hyper-Kamiokande detector in South Korea, called Korean Neutrino Observatory (KNO), is
proposed to enhance physics sensitivities based on a larger overburden of the detector and a longer baseline ($\sim$1100 km) of the accelerator neutrino beam..
In this talk we present an overview of the KNO and describe possible physics and astronomy potentials.