@inproceedings{Tsvetkova:2017Eo, author = "Tsvetkova, Anastasia and Frederiks, Dmitry D. and Golenetskii, Sergei and Lysenko, Alexandra P. and Oleynik, Philipp and Pal'shin, Valentin and Svinkin, Dmitry S. and Ulanov, Mikhail and Cline, Thomas and Hurley, Kevin and Aptekar, Rafail", title = "{The Konus-Wind catalog of gamma-ray bursts with known redshifts. I. Bursts detected in the triggered mode.}", doi = "10.22323/1.312.0064", booktitle = "Proceedings of 7th International Fermi Symposium {\textemdash} PoS(IFS2017)", year = 2017, volume = "312", pages = "064" }