PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 313 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-17) - Systems Planning Installation Commissioning and Running Experience
Readout Electronics for the First Large HV-MAPS Chip for Mu3e
D. Wiedner*, H.C. Augustin, N. Berger, S. Dittmeier, F. Ehrler, J. Hammerich, U. Hartenstein, A. Herkert, L. Huth, D. Immig, A. Kozlinskiy, J. Kröger, F. Meier Aeschbacher, A. Meneses-González, I. Peric, A.K. Perrevoort, M. Prathapan, A. Schöning, I. Sorokin, A. Tyukin, D. Vom Bruch, F. Wauters, A.L. Weber and M. Zimmermann
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Pre-published on: March 05, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
Mu3e is an upcoming experiment searching for charged lepton flavour violation in the rare decay μ+->e+e-e+. A silicon pixel tracker based on 50 μm thin High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors in a 1T magnetic field will deliver precise vertex and momentum information. The MuPix High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor combines pixel sensor cells with integrated analogue electronics and a complete digital readout. For the characterization of the first large MuPix system-on-chip a dedicated readout system was developed. The readout chain and the first results from the characterization of the large scale MuPix8 prototype are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.313.0099
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