@article{Collot:2018un, author = "Collot, Johann and Bes, A. and Bosson, G. and Curtoni, S. and Dauvergne, D. and Gallin-Martel, L. and Gallin-Martel, M.-L. and Muraz, J.-F. and Hostachy, J. and Lacoste, A. and Marcatili, S. and Rarbi, F. and Yamouni, M. and Brom, J.-M. and Morse, J. and De-Nolf, W. and Salomé, M. and Krimmer, J. and Testa, É.", title = "{Production and characterization of large-size diamond detectors for particle tracking and medical applications}", doi = "10.22323/1.314.0781", journal = "PoS", year = 2018, volume = "EPS-HEP2017", pages = "781" }