@article{Zoi:2018ya, author = "Zoi, Irene and Boscardin, M. and Dalla Betta, G.F. and Dinardo, M. and Giacomini, G. and Menasce, D. and Mendicino, R. and Meschini, M. and Messineo, A. and Moroni, L. and Ronchin, S. and Sultan, D.M.S. and Uplegger, L. and Vernieri, C. and Viliani, L. and Zuolo, D.", title = "{Beam Test Results of Thin n-in-p 3D and Planar Pixel Sensors for the High Luminosity LHC Tracker Upgrade at CMS}", doi = "10.22323/1.314.0809", journal = "PoS", year = 2018, volume = "EPS-HEP2017", pages = "809" }