  author = "Godat, Eric  and  Clark, D. Benjamin  and  Hobbs, Timothy J.  and  Jezo, Tomas  and  Kent, Jesse  and  Keppel, Cynthia  and  Kovarik, Karol  and  Kusina, Aleksander  and  Lyonnet, Florian  and  Morfin, Jorge G.  and  Olness, Fred  and  Owens, Joseph Francis  and  Schienbein, Ingo  and  Yu, Ji-Young",
  title = "{PDF Flavor Determination and the nCTEQ15 PDFs: W ± / Z vector boson production in heavy ion collisions}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.316.0009",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2018,
  volume = "DIS2018",
  pages = "009"