Simultaneous spectral and spatial modelling of young pulsar wind nebulae
C. van Rensuburg*, C. Venter and P. Kruger
Pre-published on:
September 28, 2018
Published on:
November 08, 2018
We model the morphology and spectrum of a pulsar wind nebula using a leptonic emission code. This code is a time-dependent, multi-zone model that investigates the changes in the particle spectrum as they traverse the nebula. We calculate the synchrotron and inverse Compton emissivities at different positions in the nebula, obtaining the surface brightness versus the radius, and also the size of the nebula as a function of energy. We incorporate a time and spatially-dependent $B$-field, spatially-dependent bulk particle speed implying convection and adiabatic losses, diffusion, as well as radiative losses. We calibrate our new model using two independent models. We then apply the model to PWN G0.9+0.1 and show that simultaneously fitting the spectral energy distribution and the energy-dependent source size may lead to constraints on several model parameters pertaining to the spatial properties of the PWN.
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