PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 319 - 5th Annual Conference on High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa (HEASA2017) - Friday, 6 October : Session a: Astroparticle Physics
Gamma rays and the LHC inspired dark matter
G. Beck* and S. Colafrancesco
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Pre-published on: September 28, 2018
Published on: November 08, 2018
The Madala hypothesis was formulated to explain anomalies in LHC data from run-1. Subsequently, these anomalies have endured into run-2 and been strengthened. This makes the analysis of the proposal highly pertinent, and, since some of the properties of the model are beyond the reach of current collider data it is also important to determine alternative means of analysis. Here, we examine the consequences of WIMPs linked to the Madala hypothesis providing a dark matter candidate and annihilating in the galactic centre of the Milky-Way and the Andromeda galaxy. These targets have been observed to have similar gamma-ray spectra by Fermi-LAT and their emissions have been widely discussed in terms of dark matter annihilation in the literature.

We show that, when the decay branchings of the hidden-sector mediator in the Madala hypothesis are assumed Higgs-like, the emissions of Andromeda and the Milky-Way are not compatible with both being produced by dark matter annihilation, apart from when a steeply contracted NFW profile is assumed for the halos or the WIMP has a mass above $1$ TeV. Additionally, similar results are displayed for a wide variety of model independent cases.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.319.0030
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