The Monte Carlo event generator HYDJET++ (HYDrodynamics with JETs)
contains the description of both soft and hard processes in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions by combining the parametrized hydrodynamics with
the treatment of jets. The interplay of hard and soft processes
describes the violation of the mass hierarchy of meson and baryon
elliptic $(v_2)$ and triangular $(v_3)$ flows at intermediate transverse
momenta, the fall-off of the flow harmonics after the certain $p_T$
threshold, and the worsening of the number-of-constituent-quark (NCQ)
scaling of $v_2$ and $v_3$ at LHC energies compared to that at RHIC
ones. The role of this interplay in di-hadron correlations and in
production of open and hidden charm in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and
LHC energies is also discussed.