Recursive engagement: the public as data analysts and outreach creators
W.C. Kalderon* on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
September 15, 2018
Published on:
December 21, 2018
Two recent outreach projects are making use of public communities to enhance and build upon the first phases set up by physicists. "ATLAScraft" is a recreation of ATLAS and the wider CERN complex in Minecraft. The basic layout was provided, but school students subsequently researched and created the experiment and subdetector models and their own mini-games to ex- plain various aspects of the LHC and detector physics to others. "HiggsHunters" asked the public to search for displaced vertices in event displays, during which time a pool of trusted members arose in the associated discussion. A second phase also involved schoolchildren, with groups analysing the data this generated, through which they can both learn the principles of scientific research and contribute directly to it.
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