@inproceedings{Engels:2018ne, author = "Engels, Ralf and Awwad, H.M. and Grigoryev, K. and Huxold, L. and Martic, M. and Rolofs, A. and Sartison, W. and Ströher, H. and Büscher, M. and Vasilyev, A. and Kochenda, L. and Kravtsov, P. and Trofimov, V. and Vznudaev, M.", title = "{Production and storage of polarized H$_2$, D$_2$, and HD molecules}", doi = "10.22323/1.324.0033", booktitle = "Proceedings of XVII International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry {\textemdash} PoS(PSTP2017)", year = 2018, volume = "324", pages = "033" }