@article{Garufi:2018rw, author = "Garufi, Fabio and Bassan, Massimo and Cavalleri, Antonella and De Laurentis, Martina and De Marchi, Fabrizio and De Rosa, Rosario and Di Fiore, Luciano and Dolesi, Rita and Finetti, Noemi and Grado, Aniello and Hueller, Mauro and Marconi, Lorenzo and Milano, Leopoldo and Minenkov, Yuri and Pucacco, Giuseppe and Stanga, Ruggero and Vetrugno, Daniele and Visco, Massimo and Vitale, Stefano and Weber, WilliamJ.", title = "{PETER: a torsion pendulum facility to study small forces/torques on free falling instrumented masses}", doi = "10.22323/1.325.0019", journal = "PoS", year = 2018, volume = "GRASS2018", pages = "019" }