@article{Rodi:20186C, author = "Rodi, James and Bazzano, Angela and Natalucci, Lorenzo and Ubertini, Pietro and Mereghetti, Sandro and Bozzo, Enrico and Ferrigno, Carlo and Savchenko, Volodymyr and Courvoisier, Thierry J.-L. and Kuulkers, Erik and Brandt, S. and Chenevez, Jerome and Diehl, Roland and von Kienlin, Andreas and Hanlon, Lorraine and Martin-Carrillo, Antonio and Jourdain, E. and Roques, Jean-Pierre and Laurent, Philippe and Lebrun, Flebrun and Lutovinov, A. and Sunyaev, R.", title = "{INTEGRAL Observations of Gravitational-Wave Counterparts \& Future Perspectives: Searching for GBM Un-Triggered SGRB with PICsIT}", doi = "10.22323/1.325.0023", journal = "PoS", year = 2018, volume = "GRASS2018", pages = "023" }