Angular analyses of $b\to s \ell \ell$ modes at LHCb
E. Smith* on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Pre-published on:
October 25, 2018
Published on:
October 30, 2018
The study of rare decays mediated via $b\to s ll$ transitions allows for new physics searches which are sensitive to mass scales up to $\mathcal{O}$(100) TeV. Sensitivity to new physics can be increased via angular analyses, as angles involve ratios of observables, causing angular coefficents to have reduced theoretical uncertainties. There continue to be significant tensions with the Standard Model across a range of experimental observables associated with $b\to sll$ decays, including in angular observables. These proceedings outline the latest analyses involving this class of decays at LHCb, with a focus on angular analyses and modes involving muons
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