PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 328 - Revisiting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and their place in the Universe (NLS1-2018) - Poster
Kinematic differences between NLS1 and BLAGN sources
M. Lakićević*, L. Popovic and J. Kovačević-Dojčinović
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Pre-published on: August 06, 2018
Published on: December 21, 2018
It is well-known that the higher policyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) abundance, lower black
hole mass, higher accretion rate and lower luminosities are among the major characteristics of
Narrow-Line Seyfert galaxies (NLS1), when they are compared to Broad line Seyfert galax-
ies (BLS1). NLS1s may be normal Seyfert galaxies at an early stage of evolution, their black
holes may still be growing and/or they could be special for some other reason. In this work
we discuss the findings that NLS1s have most of line and continuum luminosities correlated with
FWHM(Hβ ), which may be the trace of their rapid black hole mass grow. BLS1 do not show such
trends. Also, PAHs may be destroyed as the black hole grows and the starbursts are removed, for
NLS1 objects.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.328.0051
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