PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 328 - Revisiting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and their place in the Universe (NLS1-2018) - Poster
The broad line region and dust torus structure of the Seyfert 1 WPVS48
C.S. Figaredo*, F.P. Nuñez, M. Ramolla, M. Haas, R. Chini, K.W. Hodapp, S. Willner and M. Ashby
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Pre-published on: August 13, 2018
Published on: December 21, 2018
Optical and near-mid-infrared reverberation mapping data obtained at Universit\"{a}tssternwarte Bochum in Chile and with the Spitzer Space Telescope allow us to explore the geometry of both the H$\alpha$ BLR and the dust torus for the nearby Seyfert-1 galaxy WPVS\,48. On average, the H$\alpha$ variations lag the blue AGN continuum by about 18 days, while the dust emission variations lag by 70 days in
the J+K and by 90 days in the L+M bands. The IR echoes are sharp, while the H$\alpha$ echo is smeared. This together favours a bowl shaped toroidal geometry where the dust sublimation radius is defined by a bowl surface, which is virtually aligned with a single iso-delay surface, thus leading to the sharp IR echoes. The BLR clouds, however, are located inside the bowl and spread over a range of iso-delay surfaces, leading to a smeared echo.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.328.0057
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