PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 329 - International Conference on Black Holes as Cosmic Batteries: UHECRs and Multimessenger Astronomy (BHCB2018) - Main session
MAGIC and the very high energy gamma-ray sky
B. Fraga*  on behalf of the MAGIC collaboration
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Pre-published on: May 13, 2019
Published on: May 21, 2019
MAGIC is a system of two 17m Cherenkov telescopes for very high energy gamma-ray and cosmic-ray astrophysics and currently one of the best performing in the field. Through the discovery of more than 50 extragalactic and galactic sources including blazars, radiogalaxies, pulsars, supernovae remnants and binary systems (among other types) a broad range of topics can be studied: accretion to black holes, relativistic jets, shocks and their connection to the acceleration of cosmic rays. In addition, MAGIC tries to answer fundamental physics questions, such as the search for dark matter. In this talk I will discuss some selected highlights from MAGIC, especially the recent detection of very high energy gamma-rays from the blazar TXS 0506+056, which could potentially be the source of the high-energy extragalactic neutrino recently detected by Icecube.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.329.0004
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