SNO+: Current Results and Future Prospects
E. Leming* on behalf of the SNO+ collaboration
Published on:
April 24, 2019
SNO+ is a multipurpose neutrino experiment located approximately 2~km underground at SNOLAB, near Sudbury, Canada. The experiment takes a phased approach, transitioning through a water phase and an ultra-pure scintillator phase before loading the liquid scintillator with 0.5 \% natural Tellurium, which corresponds to approximately 1330 kg of $^{130}$Te. Water phase began in May 2017 resulting in a number of fundamental physics measurements including: a limit on invisible nucleon decay and a measurement of the $^{8}$Be solar neutrino flux. Scintillator fill began in November 2018 and Tellurium loading is planned for late 2019. During the loaded scintillator phase SNO+ will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{130}$Te with an expected effective Majorana neutrino mass sensitivity which will probe the boundary of the inverted mass hierarchy. Additionally, SNO+ aims to measure reactor antineutrino oscillations, low-energy solar neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, to be sensitive to supernova neutrinos, and to search for exotic physics.
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