PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 337 - Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2018) - Session IV: Neutrino masses, states and interactions
Neutrinoless double beta decay search with KamLAND-Zen
Y. Gando*  on behalf of the KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
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Published on: April 24, 2019
KamLAND-Zen is a neutrinoless double beta decay search experiment based on the $^{136} \rm Xe$ loaded liquid scintillator.
KamLAND-Zen 400 project was already terminated and its latest limit for half life of $0\nu\beta\beta$ is $\rm T_{1/2} >1.07\times 10^{26}$ years at 90% confidence level.
It corresponds to Majorana effective mass $\langle m_{\beta \beta} \rangle <$ 61$-$165 meV.
After the KamLAND-Zen 400, we have started KamLAND-Zen 800 project which will use 750 kg xenon and new clean nylon balloon called mini-balloon to contain xenon loaded liquid scintillator.
We made mini-balloon with various contamination rejection techniques, and we successfully installed it in KamLAND.
Currently we are purifying non-xenon-loaded scintillator in mini-balloon.
After the purification, we will dissolve xenon in the liquid scintillator.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.337.0068
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