PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 337 - Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2018) - Session V: Particle Physics in the Cosmos
Direct detection of light WIMPs with NEWS-G
P. Gros*  on behalf of the NEWS-G collaboration
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Published on: April 24, 2019
NEWS-G (New Experiments With Spheres-Gas) is a direct dark matter detection experiment using Spherical Proportional Counters (SPCs). It uses light noble gases to search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) down to the sub-GeV/c$^2$ mass region. The NEWS-G project builds on the experience gathered with the SEDINE detector, a 60 cm SPC which has been operating for several years at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. The goal is to build a 140\,cm diameter SPC using even lower activity materials, and operate it at SNOLAB.
We first introduce the concept of SPC. We then describe performance and calibrations done with a small prototype. Finally, we quickly describe the detector under construction for a deployment at SNOLAB planned in 2019.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.337.0095
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