  author = "Di Marco, Natalia  and  Stefano, Pirro  and  Godehard, Angloher  and  Michele, Mancuso  and  Petricca, Federica  and  Franz, Proebst  and  Paolo, Carniti  and  Luca, Gironi  and  Claudio, Gotti  and  Lorenzo, Pagnanini  and  Gianluigi, Pessina  and  Florian, Reindl  and  Jochen, Schieck  and  Christoph, Schwertner  and  Martin, Stahlberg  and  Karoline, Schaeffner  and  Vanessa, Zema  and  Yong, Zhu",
  title = "{A NaI-based cryogenic scintillating calorimeter: status and results of the COSINUS project}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.337.0097",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2019,
  volume = "NOW2018",
  pages = "097"