Probing light charged Higgs at the LHC Run 2
A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik* and A. Rouchad
Published on:
March 01, 2019
In this contribution we discuss light charged Higgs signatures in two-Higgs-doublet-model (2HDM) type-1 and type-X. We determine the allowed regions by including several theoretical constraints including elctroweak precision and flavour observables as well as experimental constraints coming from Higgs data Run-2 and from non-observed additional Higgs at Run-2 of LHC. Our proposal scenarios shows that the production and decay of charged Higgs in 2HDM type-1 and type-X are complementary depending on the assumptions of the 2HDM parameters. Additionally, we find that in a wide range of parameter space in which non-standard neutral Higgs boson $h$ of about 95 GeV can change dramatically the decay of light charged Higgs.
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