The Daya Bay experiment is designed to precisely measure the reactor antineutrino oscillation
utilizing eight functionally identical detectors placed at three underground experiment halls. Antineutrinos
are generated from six reactor cores distributed with baselines from 360 m to 1900 m.
In 2012, the Daya Bay experiment observed the reactor antineutrino disappearance at short baseline
with a significance of 5.2$\sigma$. The Daya Bay experiment is continuously improving the precision
of $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ and effective neutrino mass-squared difference $|\Delta m^2_{ee}|$ with growing statistics and
better systematic uncertainties. In this talk, the latest results on the measurement of $\sin^22\theta_{13}$ and
$|\Delta m^2_{ee}|$ is reported with the 1958-day data sample of neutron-gadolinium capture events. As an independent
measurement, the progress of oscillation analysis using the neutron-hydrogen capture
events is also reported.