@article{Golling:2019tH, author = "Golling, Tobias and Amrouche, Sabrina and Kiehn, Moritz and Calafiura, Paolo and Farrell, Steven and Gray, Heather M. and Estrade, Victor and Germain, Cécile and Gligorov, Vava and Guyon, Isabelle and Hushchyn, Mikhail and Ustyuzhanin, Andrey and Innocente, Vincenzo and Salzburger, Andreas and Moyse, Edward and Rousseau, David and Yilmaz, Yetkin and Vlimant, Jean-roch", title = "{TrackML : a tracking Machine Learning challenge}", doi = "10.22323/1.340.0159", journal = "PoS", year = 2019, volume = "ICHEP2018", pages = "159" }