A new decay channel $B_{s2}(5840)^{0}\to{}B^{0}K_{s}$ has been observed by $6.3\sigma$ to $7.0\sigma$. Accompanied with the obserservation, there is also a hint of $B_{s1}\pm{}B^{∗0}K_{s}$. Corresponding branching fraction ratio to $B^{(∗)+}K^{-}$ channel is calculated to be $R^{0\pm{}}_{2}= 0.432\pm{}0.077(stat)\pm{}0.075(syst.)\pm{}0.021(PDG)$ and $R^{0\pm{}}_{1}= 0.49\pm{}0.12(stat)\pm{}0.07(syst.)\pm{}0.02(PDG)$. In the study of $\Lambda_{b}\to{}J/\psi{}\Lambda$ decay, all there decay parameters of interest show consistency with LHCb and ATLAS results. However, the measured parity asymmetry parameterα1disagree with the HQET prediction by over 5 standard deviation.
Standard lifetime measurement for $B^{0}$,$B_{s}$,$B^{+}_{c}$,$\Lambda{}_{b}$ matches fine with the world-averaged values. The CMS result for $B^{+}_{c}$ is in favor of the LHCb result to those derived at Tevatron.