SuperIso Relic new extensions for direct and indirect detection
G. Robbins*, A. Arbey and F. Mahmoudi
Published on:
August 02, 2019
SuperIso Relic is a public computing program for the calculation of flavour observables and relic density in supersymmetry (MSSM and NMSSM). We present new extensions of the code dedicated to the calculation of dark matter direct and indirect detection constraints from the latest experimental results. Contrary to most of the existing programs, this new version allows the user to consider straightforwardly the uncertainties related to nuclear form factors, dark matter density and velocity, as well as cosmic-ray propagation through the galactic medium. The user thus finds a direct way to calculate "conservative'' , "standard'' or "stringent'' constraints according to the chosen set of uncertainties. Some examplified results showing the impact of such uncertainties are also presented.
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