Studying parton correlations via double parton scatterings in associated quarkonium production at the LHC and the Tevatron
N. Yamanaka*, J.P. Lansberg, H.S. Shao and Y.J. Zhang
Published on:
August 02, 2019
Quarkonium production in proton-proton ($pp$) collision provides interesting means to study the parton content and their correlations in the proton. Recent LHC and Tevatron data of $J/\psi + Z$, $J/\psi + W$ and $J/\psi +J/\psi$ production suggest the relevance of double parton scatterings (DPSs) as opposed to single parton scatterings (SPSs). In this proceedings contribution, we review the corresponding SPS contributions and discuss their upper limits set up by quark-hadron duality. These allow us to perform an improved extraction of the DPS yields and of their implications.
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