Overview of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter Trigger system at the Belle II Experiment
Y. Kim*, S.H. Kim, I.S. Lee, C.H. Kim, Y. Unno, B.G. Cheon and J.K. Ahn
Published on:
August 02, 2019
We have been developing the trigger system using the Electromagnetic Calorimeter(ECL) which is one of sub-detectors in the Belle II experiment. The ECL trigger system is based on Trigger Cell(TC), and each TC consists of 16 crystals. To make a decision of physics events at an online trigger level, energy deposit in the TC and the event timing are required. Therefore, we have performed the TC energy calibration by a method of comparing the ECL trigger data with the ECL data, and the TC time offset calibration by using a least $\chi^{2}$ algorithm. We report the calibration method and performance using cosmic ray data.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.340.0804
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